The individual mandate, which requires that most Americans buy health insurance, was upheld and ruled constitutional.
The Supreme Court of the United States of America
If you do not really understand what this actually means for you, here is a brief rundown of what the Supreme Court decided:
- The Supreme Court Justices ruled, in a 5-4 vote, that all Americans must have health care coverage -- whether public or private -- by 2014, or face a tax penalty.
- By 2016, this tax will be around $695 per person.
- An inevitable tax increase for the middle-class.
- Over 20 million Americans will lose the current health care plan that they currently have and want to keep.
- This puts the government in charge of health insurance.
- Makes it less likely for people to receive high quality health care.
- Healthcare is now officially a tax on the American people. (Sure, you can decide to opt-out of having health insurance; however, if you do, then you have a serious problem with the IRS.)
- Health insurance companies are now required to approve everyone who approaches them for health care, regardless of their health.
- Ultimately, whether you are a completely healthy person, or someone who has a fatal illness -- everyone will be charged (taxed) the same amount.
Health care is obviously a great investment for any individual. And although considered constitutional, here are a few questions to consider:
- Is health care something that the federal government should be responsible for?
- Should this be yet another a tax for the American people to pay?
- Should Congress have the power to force people to buy something they may not necessarily want?
- Does this promote the most notable ideal and foundation of America -- Freedom ?
The Justices cannot tell us what the best way to provide healthcare is -- only the American people will be able to decide that, at the ballot.
All the media outlets will have differing opinions and reports on this issue. The Republicans vow to repeal any other mandates that they can, and the Democrats vow to protect the rest of the mandates. Regardless, this is clearly going to be a huge issue this in the upcoming election this November.